Cinco Margaritas

by Oscar Ortiz
Original - Sold
30.000 x 40.000 x 0.500 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Cinco Margaritas
Oscar Ortiz
Painting - Giclee
A quiet pensive Puerto Rican young girl.
February 3rd, 2007
Similar Subjects
Comments (39)

Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation.💖❣️💖 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF A WONDERFUL WORK!

Jacek Dudzinski
Excellent work! I love it! What an inspiration. Your feedback of my artwork would be precious!

Jacek Dudzinski
Beautifully done!. You inspire me. I would love, if You could let me know what you think about my work. ;-)

Rey Soto-Pacheco
Oscar do you have more painting like this one sold.
Oscar Ortiz replied:
Hello Ray, thank you for writing. The original got sold many years ago. Currently only prints are available via FAA. Have a great day!