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Romance Jibaro Painting by Oscar Ortiz

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Comments (15)




Piter Van Moort

Piter Van Moort

Congratulations on your sale, Oscar!

Ramon Martinez

Ramon Martinez

Congratulations on your recent sale!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your sale of this wonderful artwork! F/L

Oscar Ortiz

Oscar Ortiz

I appreciate your comment Julia. Thank you for the taking the time!

Julia Hiebaum

Julia Hiebaum

Very romantic scene, Congratulations on your sale!

Lilliana Mendez

Lilliana Mendez

Bellisimo, Me Encantan tus obras del Borinquen de mis padres. From one fellow Nuyorican to another Wepa! Te Felicito!

Oscar Ortiz replied:

Thank you Lilliana for your kind words.

Oscar Ortiz

Oscar Ortiz

You're most welcome Alice. Thank you for stopping by. Please stay in touch!

Alice Terrill

Alice Terrill

Lovely work! Your artwork is absolutely magical.

Debbie DeWitt

Debbie DeWitt

Oscar, i really live this series!! The color palette and style are fantastic!!!

HW Kateley

HW Kateley

The feeling of this is wonderful.

Oscar Ortiz replied:

Thank you Herb. I appreciate your observation.

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon

Congratulations on your sale!!!!

Oscar Ortiz replied:

Thank you Bill!

Ronald T Williams

Ronald T Williams

Congrats on your sale!!

Oscar Ortiz replied:

Thank you Mr. Williams!

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Romance Jibaro by Oscar Ortiz
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